The Ugly Truth About “Fender Benders”
The Ugly Truth About “Fender Benders”
And What Insurance Companies DON’T Want You To Know About Your Injuries
When your body is subjected to the forces that occur in a motor vehicle accident (crash), there is always some level of injury sustained by the occupants. This type of injury is most commonly referred to as “whiplash”. It is a common misconception that whiplash injury only involves the neck, when in fact the entire spine is often damaged. The forces introduced into the spine during crashes at speeds as low as 3 to 5 miles per hour have been shown to cause significant damage to the supportive structures of the spine (your neck muscles, ligaments, and discs).
Insider Tip That Could Save You Thousands of Dollars: whiplash injuries often don’t hurt for several days or even weeks, and the insurance companies know it!
That’s why the strategy of most companies, when their policy holder is at fault, is to contact all parties involved as soon as possible to “see how everything is going.” Understand, they know that with some injuries (especially low speed collisions), you don’t know you’ve been hurt for awhile, and if they can get you to sign off on bodily harm then they are off the hook! So, DON’T sign off on anything before you know for sure that you are okay.
Hopefully you never find yourself in a situation where you need that information, but nobody ever “plans to be in an accident.” To make matters worse, more often than not, people injured in a crash receive substandard care for their injuries. Even in cases where someone is taken to the emergency room, not much is done unless the doctor suspects internal bleeding, head injury, fracture, or other life threatening conditions. The emergency room physicians simply are not looking for soft tissue injury like muscle or ligament tears. Even if x-rays of the spine are taken, the doctor is only looking for a fracture. He or she is NOT looking at the bio-mechanical integrity of the spine nor the muscles, ligaments, or discs for injury.
That’s What Emergency Rooms Are For… Rule Out The Need For Emergency Care!
In a low speed whiplash injury, medical treatment will consist of medication to control pain and inflammation, usually leaving the patient with the impression that if their soreness goes away within a few days to weeks, then they are better and no further injury has occurred. This could not be further from the truth. Unfortunately, even when the pain goes away as predicted, the damage to the spine remains to make its presence known again another day, usually when the patient least expects it.
Keep Reading On The Other Side! If You Ever Need to Know This, Then You Will Be Grateful You Took The Time…
When the muscles and ligaments surrounding the spine are injured and left uncorrected, the problems worsen as time goes on. This happens because now the spine has literally grown in the abnormal and injure position. That produces excessive wear and tear on the spinal joints. Over time, this results in disc degeneration, further scar tissue formation, and eventually arthritis.
After a Crash, Your Spine Will Heal. The Question is: Will it heal normally, or will it heal ABNORMALLY leading to pain and decay down the road?
Our techniques are some of the most modern approaches to spinal rehabilitation available. The goal of our care is to restore normal (or to as near normal as possible) structure to your spine, and return normal function.
The Sooner You Let Us Know That You, Or Someone You Care About, Were Involved In A Fender Bender, The Better We Can Help You Limit The Impact To Your Health And Your Wallet.
Dr. Bowman
Bowman Chiropractic Associates, PC of Iowa City
2501 N Dodge St
Iowa City, IA 52245
(319) 354-2468
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 5:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Bowman Chiropractic Associates, PC of Iowa City
2501 N Dodge St
Iowa City, IA 52245