Is Your Chair Killing You?

Is Your Chair Killing You?

Is it possible to be incredibly fit yet still be at high risk of premature death and disability due to inactivity?

Startling as that may sound, mounting research says, yes, as does Dr. James Levine, author of the book Get Up!: Why Your Chair Is Killing You and What You Can Do About It. Dr. Levine is co-director of the Mayo Clinic and the Arizona State University Obesity Initiative.
The evidence is overwhelming at this point-10,000 studies and growing-that prolonged sitting is devastating to your health! Sitting actively promotes dozens of chronic diseases, including obesity and type 2 diabetes... not to mention neck pain and headaches or even back pain. As a general guideline, if you've been sitting for an hour, you've sat too long. Dr. Levine recommends sitting no more than 50 minutes out of every hour. But that's really a bare bones minimum recommendation. Ideally, you'd want to limit sitting altogether at every chance you get.

People living in agricultural communities sit an average of just three hours a day. While that may sound "impossible," it is doable-with a bit of ingenuity and mindfulness. In addition to limiting your sitting as much as you possibly can, Dr. Levine also recommends challenging yourself to walk 10,000 steps per day. Consider one of the new fitness trackers that can monitor your steps and your sleep.

Quite simply, most of us are still too sedentary on an hour-by-hour basis. The answer is simple, but it will require a change in thinking and being; a change in how we live, really. And we all have the power to do something-that's the great part. So I encourage you to start thinking about how you can get more physical movement into your life, each and every hour of your waking day. If you do sit more than you should, understand that each time you receive a chiropractic adjustment from a qualified chiropractor you are undoing some of the highly detrimental effects of a sedentary lifestyle.

9:00am - 6:00pm

9:00am - 5:00pm

9:00am - 6:00pm

9:00am - 5:00pm


Saturday & Sunday

Bowman Chiropractic Associates, PC of Iowa City

2501 N Dodge St
Iowa City, IA 52245

(319) 354-2468